Dear Alex,
We are starting 2025 strong with a new release for Myo-Hand XP, bringing support for the Quest 3!
Version 1.7 includes the addition of different control algorithms for two-site EMG sensors, enhancements to the existing experience, new activities, and the ability to create user profiles in the Companion App.
You will also now see engagement and score data within Myo-Hand XP. We are still working on displaying this information in the Companion App and being able to generate reports from this data. This is our priority for the next release.
Please see the update details below.
Ricardo Garcia-Rosas, PhD (He/Him)
Co-founder & CEO, Virtetic
Level 2, Melbourne Entrepreneurial Centre
Melbourne Connect, Victoria 3053 Australia
E: | M: +(61) 403 462 078
Co-Contraction and 4-Channel control for Two Site EMG sensors |
By popular demand, we added Co-Contraction and 4-Channel control for the Two Site sensors. Currently, they use the default settings typically used in existing systems. We intend to make these settings customisable in the Companion App in the future. Here is an example of co-contraction in action! |
You can change a user’s setting to co-contraction or 4-channel in the Companion App. Select the user -> Select the “Sensors” tab -> Select “Two Site” -> Select your choice of control method -> Press “Confirm”. |
Engagement and score data visualisation |
In the previous release, we included an update to begin collecting data from user engagement and game scores. We are happy with the results of the data being collected, so this is the next step in the full release of this feature. You will now see two additional screens in the Home Menu. |
My Activity
This window can be opened from the home page in the Home Menu, by pressing the button in the bottom corner. My Activity shows the user’s playtime for all the different activities in Myo-Hand XP for the last 7 sessions. |
Top Scores, My History, Clinic Leaderboard
This second window appears automatically when selecting a game. Top Scores shows the user’s top scores for the given game, level, and game mode. Similarly, My History shows the user’s score history. The Clinic Leaderboard shows the highest scores for the users in the same clinic as the user. |
We created a guided tutorial for people playing for the first time. This will run automatically when a new user is created from the Companion App, is assigned to a headset, and the user experiences Myo-Hand XP for the first time. It can also be accessed from the “Learn” menu in the Home Menu. |
The tutorial shows people the prosthesis’ watch, asks them to close and open the hand, and pick up some assisted grasp objects. |
Learn activities are simple activities that focus on teaching users new skills. The first two Learn activities we created are around grasping. Snow Globes uses “assisted grasp” objects, to help people practice open and close of the hand. These are the same objects used in the Getting Started Tutorial. Toy Cars uses “physics-based” objects, where the user needs to grasp the toy cars “manually” and is more challenging. |
Changed the home menu structure |
With the introduction of Learn Activities, we changed the menu to categorise games and activities into: Learn, Play, and Challenges. |
Learn currently includes Getting Started, Snow Globes, and Toy Cars. Play includes Pick and Cook, and Paintball Town. Challenge includes Box and Blocks. |
Added difficulty with tools in Pick and Cook level 2 |
We redesigned both the looks of level 1 and 2, but the level 2 activity is now also changed. This time, you are in a fast food joint! The key difference is that for some dishes you need to use a “fryer”. The frying baskets can be grasped by the user, so encourage users to use them instead of putting the prosthesis in the boiling oil!
Use more sensor signals to shoot in Paintball Town level 2 and level 3 |
We modified how the change of paintball colour is done, to use “prosthesis” signals directly. Level 1 remains the same, where the hand close signal shoots blue paintballs. Level 2 adds one signal, hand close to shoot blue paintballs and hand open to shoot pink paintballs.
Level 3 adds two more signals from Level 2, wrist pronation for yellow paintballs and wrist supination for green paintballs. The wrist signals in Level 3 work for both pattern recognition systems and two site control (co-contraction and 4 channel).
The size of the blocks in Box and Blocks to make them more stable |
This is something that we will keep improving on to make the blocks easier to grasp and less “bouncy”. Let us know how this version feels and where it can be improved.
We redesigned the Companion App to reflect the changes made to Myo-Hand XP. You will notice that you no longer need to select “Myo-Hand XP” explicitly. Instead, Myo-Hand XP will be launched automatically when the user configuration is set to upper limb. You are now also able to create user profiles and assign users to headsets.
Improved virtual object stability when grasping |
We made some more tweaks to the physics engine to make all objects less bouncy. |
The wrong name sensor was being displayed when connecting |
The loading message now displays the correct sensor being connected to. |
Background changes are changes that you may not see but are important. |
We changed our cloud server to allow us to select in which region the data should be stored. |
Video streaming framework |
We updated the framework that we use for video streaming to improve reliability. The biggest improvement will come in the next major release due to compatibility requirements.
This framework update should also allow us to stream over the internet instead of just a local network. |
We are continually seeking ways to improve Myo-Hand XP. Please share your thoughts on this update and any other features you'd like to see in the future.
Thank you for your continued support! |
Ricardo Garcia-Rosas, PhD (He/Him)
Co-founder & CEO, Virtetic
Level 2, Melbourne Entrepreneurial Centre
Melbourne Connect, Victoria 3053 Australia
E: | M: +(61) 403 462 078